Launching the Media and Information literacy Content Hub Resource
Connecting people passionate about media literacy in Southern Africa!
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) can be the ability to access, analyse, create and reflect on media. It is a prerequisite for citizens to claim their rights to freedom of information and expression. DW Akademie created an innovative event for stakeholders to create, share and promote MIL for understanding and using media responsibly. Bloggers of Zambia staff, O’Neil Mbofwana travelled to Windhoek to join like-minded Civil Society from across SADC from 24 to 28 October 2022 at the Habitat Training Center in Windhoek, Namibia. The MILConnect conference brought together partner organisations from southern Africa to combine efforts to promote and develop Media and Information Literacy for their countries and the MIL Hub.
The MIL Content Hub is a resource pioneered by DW Akademie in partnership with seven organisations from six countries in southern Africa developing content on media information literacy. The MIL Content Hub is an open-source Media and Information Literacy (MIL) resource website that was created to assist with guided learning, teaching and access to creative content on MIL. Stakeholders use the Hub to unite, co-create, and contribute to Media and Information Literacy educational content that is a crucial development tool for their countries.
Diverse partners from Southern Africa representing seven organisations from six countries participated at the MIL connect event. These were DW Akademie and Media and Information Literacy Learning Initiative from Namibia, Cyber Smart Botswana, and The Hub from Lesotho, Media Monitoring Africa, NICE Malawi and Bloggers of Zambia.
#OpenSpaceZM #MILConnect #MILContentHub